
Manage storage commands to upload, download, and delete files from storage.

List Files

To list files in storage, use:

When you run the tccli storage list command, a screen opens in the terminal displaying a list of files, which is paginated. You can navigate between pages using the right and left arrow keys. To select a file from the list, use the up and down arrow keys and press the Enter key. This will present you with two options: "download" and "delete". Choose one of these options to perform the corresponding action.

tccli storage list

Upload Files

To upload files to storage, use:

tccli storage --upload <file_paths>

Replace <file_paths> with the paths of the files you want to upload, separated by commas.

Download Files

To download a file from storage, use:

tccli storage --download <file_id>

Replace <file_id> with the ID of the file you want to download.

Delete Files

To delete a file from storage, use:

tccli storage --delete <file_id>

Replace <file_id> with the ID of the file you want to delete.

Last updated