
CLI (Command Line Interface) application for Transferchain that listens to a blockchain network and performs storage operations on the network.


  • Listening to the blockchain network

  • Performing file download, upload, listing, and deletion operations on the network

  • Pagination support for file listing

  • Initialization of the client

  • Starting and stopping blockchain listening

High Traffic Handling and Synchronization

This CLI application is designed to handle high traffic by distributing the load across multiple machines. It has the ability to synchronize itself across these machines, ensuring consistent data and operations across the network.

The synchronization process involves each instance of the application communicating with others to share state and data. This allows them to work together to handle incoming requests, distribute the load, and maintain high availability and reliability.

This feature makes the application highly scalable, as more instances can be added to handle increased traffic. It also improves the application's resilience, as the failure of one instance does not affect the overall operation of the application.

Please note that proper configuration and network setup are required for this feature to work effectively.

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